Messy Play Trays
Messy play is a lovely, exciting, tactile experience that helps children's development! Here are 5 easy ideas of bases* you can use to provide an enriching experience.
Equal parts cornflour and water create this wonderful substance! Solid when squeezed or pressure is exerted, liquid as it trickles through your fingers. Mix it up with food colouring to suit your theme and add toys or kitchen utensils.
Crazy Soap Foam
Available to buy in most supermarkets, we LOVE this hypoallergenic foam. It's mouldable, clap your hands to create a snow like storm or squeeze it. Perfect for winter themed set ups or to create a foamy sea.
Scooping, digging, pouring and sprinkling! Lentils are an inexpensive way of incorporating sensory play in to your day. Lentils are also perfect for practicing mark making and strengthening those fingers ready for writing later.
Spaghetti can be coloured by boiling in water with food colouring. You can make anything from a rainbow to wiggly worms in mud. Of course it is also safe for eating too, for those that are still learning by exploring using their mouth.
Water is an underestimated play base! You can colour it, add bubbles or add ice as well as of including toys. For older children why not create some painty puddles with powder paint?
What sensory trays do your children enjoy?
*Please note that children should not be left unattended whilst playing with these bases.
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