My Honest Opinion on Hand Print Art

 Hand and foot print art can be surprisingly controversial! We now have so much access to "perfect" looking activities and crafts to do with your children, that actually look as if a child has been nowhere near them! 

My passion is process art, child led creativity where we provide the tools and let them run with it. It is all about the process and doing rather than the perfect Pinterest-worthy finished piece. Process art covers so many learning opportunities, including problem solving, building fine motor skills and it builds self esteem. Many argue that hand print art doesn't encompass any of this, it is adult led and has a defined outcome with no benefit to the child.

So, where do I stand? I am, perhaps rather boringly, on the fence. I see a place for process art and for hand prints and our classes reflect this. As a mother I know how quickly those tiny hand prints grow. I am so grateful to have a record over the years to look back on, even if they do make my heart ache for those little chubby fingers! The moments when they are small are so precious and hand prints are like photos, they take you back to that time and those fond memories. It allows even the smallest baby to have a sensory experience and to indulge in mark making. 

Of course we can not disregard the benefit to parents.  Hand print art gives parents the opportunity to unleash their own creativity which in turn has it's own benefits, particularly for mental health but also to encourage bonding with their child in a shared activity that they can both enjoy. 

What are your thoughts?


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